Monday, January 25, 2010

Coffee Body Scrub

If you love the aroma of coffee and are looking for a natural way to beat cellulite at home  - ground coffee. Coffee is a wonderful, natural anti-oxidant which is why it is ideal to use for beauty treatments. It will offer you the benefit of neutralizing free radicals under the surface of your skin to prevent damage to your cells. This will reduce the appearance of age and also prevent disease.

Using ground coffee to remove or reduce cellulite has been around for a while. Many women claim success from using this well known remedy.

Expensive cellulite creams have one think in common - caffeine, rather than spending a fortune on expensive anti-cellulite products you can make your own treatment with caffeinated coffee grounds that actually works a treat. Ground coffee can also be used as a exfoliant. The course nature of the substance helps to remove the dead skin and will firm and tone your skin.

Coffee Body Scrub

2 cups of coursely ground coffee
1/2 cups of raw sugar or sea salt
2-3 teaspoons of olive oil

Put some plastic sheeting on the floor of your bathroom.
Take a hot shower to moisten your skin and open your pours.
Stand on the sheeting and apply coffee mixture to you cellulite areas using your hands or a loofah mitt.
Using wide cicular motions rub the coffee exfoliate onto your skin with strong pressure.
Shower off, skin dry and apply body lotion.

After giving yourself a treatment relax with a delicious cup of coffee!

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